『植物刺繍とダーニング』 図案とテクニックで楽しむハンドリペア〈植物刺繍図案付き〉
汚れや穴、経年使用によって傷んでしまったけれど、手放せないほど愛着のあるものが、皆さんにもきっとあるのではないでしょうか。 この本では、平面や立体に刺繍された植物たちの力を借りて、それらを再生させます。終わりが新たな始まりに変わるように、植物刺繍とダーニングを試してみませんか? 本書には、植物刺繍のプロセスと図案が付いています。

Plants Embroidery and Darning: Hand Repair with Patterns and Techniques (with botanical embroidery patterns)
Featuring 37 original embroidery patterns inspired by nature, such as clover, staghorn fern, Narcissus tazetta, Phytolacca americana, muscari, and moss, as well as collaborative patterns with paper-cut artist Shinobu Ohashi.
While it may seem daunting, the stitches are simple. Feel free to extract parts of the pattern and create your own unique arrangements.
Do you have beloved items that have become worn or damaged through use and that you cannot bear to part with? This book offers a way to rejuvenate them using the power of plants through embroidery. Why not try botanical embroidery and darning to turn the end into a new beginning? This book includes a process guide and patterns for botanical embroidery.